traffic: 2.062742 MB peak: 9.800518 MB
hits: 280 peak: 1826 cache: 180 (64 %)
bighits: 36 peak: 209 cache: 3 (8 %)
totalhits: 207210037 avg: 259 hits/sec
totalcachehits: 140240463 avg: 175 hits/sec
Cache hits of total hits: 67 %
connections: 2660 buffersize: 38.832703 MB
TotalTraffic: 1423.331569 GB avg: 1.827709 MB / sec
Time online: 9 d 5 h 30 m 42 s
nu ko – 2/3 no hitiem var iekeshot izmantojot1gb rama + praatiigu pieeju bilzhu izvietojumam pa serveriem
praktiski speeds limiteejas deelj diska – epolls iespaarda mezhoniigi
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